Home Events About Women but for Everyone: Homeopathy for Menarche and Menopause
Homeopathy for Menarche and Menopause

About Women but for Everyone: Homeopathy for Menarche and Menopause

While women are prone to many of the same health issues as men, there are certain issues that affect women exclusively or predominately. In this seminar, we will look at menarche (the first menstrual cycle) as well as menopause (the last menstrual cycle).

Menarche is the first central event of female puberty. It can come on at different times in each girl’s life and is determined by a culmination of physiological, psychological, and anatomical processes. A girl’s first menses may be marked by irregular menses, a delayed onset, profuse or discoloured menses as well as an altered mental emotional state. Homeopathy can help to ease this transition.

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life that marks the end of her menstrual cycles. It is diagnosed after having gone 12 months without menstrual bleeding. The age of a woman’s last period (transition through menopause) varies greatly and it is a normal biological process. Many women experience difficult symptoms with this transition, including hot flashes, sleep disturbances, weight gain and mental/emotional stressors. Homeopathy can help ease this transition too!

Women are affected by many more issues than the two that we will discuss in this webinar. Female heart disease is a major health issue that is often underestimated as concern about female reproductive disorders are often considered of primary importance in the discussion of women’s health. Likewise, depression and anxiety are more likely to be women’s health issues than men’s; these topics are ones that could be covered in future seminars.

Hormonal issues impact women to a greater degree then men. The onset of menarche, and then of menopause are significant changes in life that can bring about a host of symptoms and health impacts. We will explore these events in light of women’s health in this seminar.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting webinar.

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